install from PC Chromium based Browsers, Google Chrome Chromium , Edge Chromium, Opera Chromium.
Close all open serial monitor connections?
Dev. boards with ESP32 4Mb
Open this Page in a Chromium Based PC Browser!
and an Connect Install button will be here!
Ah Damn, you are not allowed to use this on HTTP!
Last updated 18 March
install from PC Chromium based Browsers, Google Chrome Chromium , Edge Chromium, Opera Chromium.
Close all open serial monitor connections?
Dev. boards with ESP8266 4Mb 12E/12F
Dev.= Development boards like
ESP8266 Wemos D1,
ESP8266 Wemos D1 mini ,
ESP8266 nodemcu 12E / 12F , Etcetera
Quick and Dirty test IMPROV wifi config wifi ssid and pass and scan in browser
and an Connect Install button will be here!
Ah snap, you are not allowed to use this on HTTP!
Last updated 18 March
improv wifi version quick test
ESP8266.ino Arduino IDE INO source
don't forget to set an Unique mDNS adres in /setup
LED's Strip
4mb ESP2866 12E / 12F ws2812 led strip on gpio2 = D4 20 leds
Dev.= Development boards like
ESP8266 Wemos D1,
ESP8266 Wemos D1 mini ,
ESP8266 nodemcu 12E / 12F , Etcetera
5volt WS2812B LED Strip
for demo i have set the LED Count to 20, use a descent powersuply , do not blow your USB / brick your apple
Warning: for the light-Sensitive People!, Fast Blinking bright light LED's Effects
gpio2 = D4
set to 20 LEDs at low brightness
Ah Damn, your browser doesn't work!Open this Page in a Chromium Based PC Browser!
and an Connect Install button will be here!
Ah snap, you are not allowed to use this on HTTP!
Warning: for the light-Sensitive People!, Fast Blinking bright light LED's Effects
updated 30 March 2024
button links top page, visit device to 28212.html
Auto mode higlight active button change
mnr in feedback maybe for button change highlight
Added Brightness Slider
added a speed slider
added /getsettings settings feedback
turned off mdns scan browseservice in loop effects not smooth
think i have some FX effects buttons now
can change ws2812 pin en led count from /setup tab custom
console, serialmonitor, inspect network WS
Chromium inBrowser webserial monitor
Ace home toggle theme fontsize
Ace move drag search replace
Beat that MS VS Monaco
Beat that Arduino Monaco IDE2