EWelink only 4 on/off schedule timers? (and 4 me hard to understand the working)
Are you done with the EWElink advertisements in the app
Do not want to Share your Phone/Data with Winnie-the-Pooh
Tasmota Home Assistant, Domoticz to advanced, to complex, to Nerdy?!
Home Automation made Safe & Easy at no Charge!
logical mDNS human friendly http://*.local adresses for the relais switches webpage
User defined friendly url like http://kitchen.local, http://living.local, http://hallway.local, http://cellar.local
each device automaticly shows a scanned linked list of other devices in the local network on its webpage
if a new device is added and configured via accesspoint wifi manager it automaticly appears in linked list on all other devices webpages
and it scanned / linked lists all other http://***.local devices on its own webpage no wifisettings no mdns http://***.local and relais i/o settings hardcoded, all settings user defineble so every device can be programmed with the same code
on Android you can use Bonjour browser app to see and navigate all devices on the local network or with apple saphari just go to for example http://living.local and from that webpage you can click links to all other devices on the local network
Test to Easy set/overview/timeline auto switch times for ESP32 ESP8266 ESP8285 WiFi Relais WebServerPage
esp8266 comes with different memory sizes?
my wemos d1 r1 mini with relais shield has a 32mbit chip = 4MB
used external nouislider 15.5.0 js en css
writes time data to browser developer console on slider change
open console with keyboard shortcut Ctrl Shift J (on Windows & raspberry pi)
Later for JSon data pass??? from browser to ESP32 ESP8266 ESP8285
if the page is served from ESP32, chromium inspect network ws send
now shows the json websocket send
Done with it, within a week, Saying Hi Google
Oh Alexa sounds like Calling Jeff Bezos's Bitch
Who wants to say, Hi Bixby, Siri, Cortana